Between October 19-21, 2022, the 2nd edition of the International Interdisciplinary Francophone Conference Migration and Minorities, organized by the Faculty of History, Philosophy, and Theology, through the Center for East-European Historical and Socio-Cultural Studies, will be held.

The conference is carried out in partnership with the Embassy of Canada in Romania, the Embassy of France in Romania, and the French Institute in Romania, as well as with research centers and departments from the universities of Sorbonne Paris Nord, Lumière Lyon 2 and Le Havre Normandie in France, Yale University and New York University, from the United States of America, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, and Università degli studi di Salerno, from Italy, University of Kairouan (Tunisia) and Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Béni Mellal, from Morocco, with participants from other institutions academic and cultural from Sweden, Great Britain, Ukraine, Algeria, Togo, Cameroon, Republic of Moldova and Romania.

The conference is held with the extraordinary participation of Mr. Francis Delaporte, Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and Mr. Mohamed Ketata, Director of the University Agency of the Francophonie (AUF) in Europe, and brings together researchers from the country and abroad, in an interdisciplinary dialogue dedicated to the migratory phenomenon and the problems of minorities, a very topical subject in the contemporary migration context and the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The conference proceedings will be published in a monographic volume dedicated to the event, at a French-speaking publishing house.
The conference will take place at the faculty headquarters (on site), and online on the Microsoft Teams platform, the conference program is available at: